Public Health Opportunities
If you are a CS/AI/ML student interested in getting exposure either with applying your methods to public health or are interested in developing methods for public health applications these opportunities/insights may be interesting to you:
- PETs for Public Health Challenge
- MlCommons Medical Working Group
- Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases
- ORISE Fellowships/Internships
- CSTE Applied Fellowship Program
- Allegheny County: Department of Health and Human Services
- Cambridge AI in Medicine - ML Summer School
- Your Local Epidemiologist Newsletter
- Outbreak Outlook Newsletter
- WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence Newsletter
- Topics: Resource allocation, forecasting
- MIT Critical Datathon
- Rising Stars in Data Science
- Rising Stars in EECS
- Association for Health Learning and Inference mentorship programs
- Future Faculty Workshop
- Resources @ INFORMS: Student competitions papers etc.
- Preparing faculty applications in early September for the market
- Senior public health data strategy fellow
- Funding opportunities and network: ARHQ, DARPA-H.
- NARMS data for Antimicrobial Resistance Data (AMR).
- Public service partnerships for academics with the government through IPA.
Please email me with any suggestions on how to add to this list!
Written on April 20, 2024